Wednesday, May 7, 2014


Israel. I have never seen a more patriotic country. This week we celebrated two very important holidays, Yom Hazikaron and Yom Ha'atzmaut. Yom Hazikaron is the Israeli memorial day for all the fallen soldiers. This includes every soldier that ever died, no matter whether it was during a war or not. There is a huge difference between Memorial Day in America and in Israel. In Israel everyone goes to the army so every single person in Israel knows someone who died in the army or at least someone who knows someone who died. On this day, we are all brought together as one to remember our friends and family that died fighting for this country.
On the night ending Yom Hazikaron, Yom Ha'atzmaut or Independence Day begins. The atmosphere turns from the saddest day of the year to the happiest day of the year in an instant. Everything becomes a party. Everyone is out on the streets partying, hitting each other with inflatable hammers, and spraying foam and silly string all over each other. 
It was amazing to experience the fact that one day we were very sad and remembering all those that died to protect the people and the land of Israel, but immediately after we celebrate their accomplishments and how they were successful in their mission to protect Israel's right to be an independent Jewish state. 

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