When I come home, Israeli culture will still play a huge part in my life because that is how I grew up. My house is full of Israeli culture, but at the same time, my family has integrated into the American society to a certain extent. I would love to live in Israel and for the culture to play a part in my life all the time. I have learned to love everything about Israel and nothing about America feels special enough to me that I feel like I have a duty to it. Israel is a whole different story. I have felt for a long time that it is my responsibility to go to the Israeli army and fight for the country's right to exist. I feel a strong personal tie to the country because it is my home.
I think it is really cool that you can go home and still be so enriched in Jewish culture. My family is not Israeli so the culture will not be the same. I plan to try to keep it as big a part of me as I can. I am going to keep it as big part of me as I can by keeping up with Jewish news. I also want to educate people and try to convince friends to go on EIE so I guess that is how I will keep Israeli culture in my life.