Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Yom Ha'atzmaut

Yom Ha'atzmaut is Israel's independence day. Israel became an independent state on May 14, 1948 and has been thriving ever since. As Yom Ha'atzmaut nears, Israeli culture is at its peak. Songs about Israel are released, decorations are hung, children in schools prepare for ceremonies with songs and dancing, and Rikudei Am or Cultural Dances are seen all over the cities.
I personally love to listen to the radio on Yom Ha'atzmaut because not only are the songs all about Israel, but they are all happy and praising. Although some of them have a slow beat, the message is positive. One song that I really like that makes me think of Israel's culture is Zikukim by Moshe Perez. This song talks about a girl who has had troubles in the past but wants something to make her happy in the present even though there is possibly a risk. 
The lyrics can be directly related to Israel. She has had some troubles in the past, but in the future she just wants to be happy and thrive despite the dangers. It is very interesting to me how Israel is personified. It makes the culture and personality of the people of Israel be more emphasized. Songs are a great way to express not only the history of the land of Israel, but also Israeli culture.

1 comment:

  1. Watching you listen to Moshe Peretz's songs is, I want to say inspiring, but rather fun. You get so into the music, the lyrics, and the story. And I think that the strong emotion the Israeli music provokes is what makes it so unique. It provides a special insight into the lives and feelings of Israel. Moshe Peretz's song definitely stir a strong sense of pride, especially in his song about Yom Ha'atzmaut.
